Why attending this meeting?
Together with Menarini Foundation this year we created a new format of the meeting. We named it “The Future of Medicine Starts Now”.
The continuous introduction into the field of new approaches give to all of us the impression that every year a new era is starting. Sophisticated technological tools enter with very fast pace in the practice and are rapidly translated into therapeutic possibilities.
Most of what will be presented and discussed is converging into what is generally defined as “Precision Medicine”.
We have assembled a number of worldwide famous Speakers that are absolute leaders in their field. We are very proud that they have accepted to participate in this meeting that aims to encompass many of the new formidable potentialities of biomedicine. The Speakers will present also a glance on the next 10 years scientific-technological-therapeutic developments.
At the same time, we wanted to have Speakers that show how Health Authorities are organizing and implementing Precision Medicine at NHS level. Thus, this meeting is not only for Scientists or Clinicians but also for Administrators.
It does not occur very often that, in only two days, you can learn so much in the field of biomedical science with no registration fee.
We therefore hope that our effort will convince many people to participate.
We are ready to welcome you in Genova at end of June 2017.
Presidents of the Meeting
Prof. Francesco Frassoni and Prof. Alberto Martini