The International Symposium “Precision Medicine in tumor prevention:genetics of hereditary colorectal, breast and gynecological cancers”is dedicated to advancing the understanding of cancer genetics and itsimpact on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various types of cancer.
The symposium is designed to gather experts from around the world toshare their knowledge, research findings, and insights, contributing to theglobal effort in combating cancer.
During the first day, the focus will be on specific types of cancer, namelyendometrial, colorectal, breast, and ovarian tumors. Renowned expertsin the field of cancer genetics will present their latest research, cuttingedgediscoveries, and breakthroughs. They will shed light on the geneticfactors underlying the development of these cancers, explore innovativediagnostic techniques, and discuss therapeutic approaches that leveragethe knowledge of genetics for more effective treatments.
The second day promises an interactive and insightful session where amultidisciplinary approach will be employed to address challenging casesin the real world. This multidisciplinary discussion will involve varioushealthcare professionals, such as oncologists, geneticists, surgeons,radiologists, and other experts in the field. Together, they will analyzecomplex cases, considering various aspects of the patients’ conditions,medical histories, and genetic profiles. This collaborative effort aims tofind optimal solutions and personalized treatment plans, ensuring thatpatients receive the best care possible.
Furthermore, the symposium will offer a unique opportunity for attendeesto network, exchange ideas, and foster international collaborations.Researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals from diversebackgrounds will have a platform to engage in fruitful discussions, sharetheir experiences, and brainstorm new avenues for research and clinicalpractice.