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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Workshop “Hot Issues in Hypertension” of the Menarini Foundation which will be held in Siracusa on October 27th-28th, 2017. As clear from the title, the meeting will address a number of key and in many instances controversial issues in hypertension research and clinical practice. That is, issues on which research has not provided consistent data, data interpretation is not univocal or implications for clinical practice (as well as for guidelines recommendations) are controversial, the controversy often extending to the best research approach to adopt to obtain clarification. Presentations will be delivered by recognized experts in hypertension research who will all be involved in the discussion, which will be an important component of the meeting. My most sincere thanks to the colleagues who have accepted to participate despite their heavy working schedule. And a deep thank to Menarini Foundation which has made the meeting possible, selecting as a venue a place famous for its beauty but also for a history that takes us back to the cradle of human culture.

President of the Meeting:
Giuseppe Mancia

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