01. E-session 603002 - 09/02/2022
Menopause and beyond in young breast cancer patients
Expert: Marina Elena Cazzaniga
02. E-session 611001 - 05/04/2022
Cancer treatments inducing early menopause in young
patients with breast cancer: state of the art
Expert: Monica Giordano and Olivia Pagani
03. E-session 610000 - 29/03/2022
Cardiovascular risk in young women with early-stage
breast cancer
Expert: Massimo Uguccioni and Mirko Bandera
04. E-session 616000 - 10/05/2022
Menopause and bone health preservation in young women
with early-stage breast cancer
Expert: Andrea G. A. Lania and Giovanna Biasi
05. E-session 616001 - 09/05/2022
Cognitive sphere dysfunctions in young women with earlystage
breast cancer
Experts: Valentina E. Bounous
06. E-session 617000 - 16/05/2022
Young women with early-stage breast cancer: Making peace
with our body
Experts: Chiara Cassani
07. E-session 618 - 19/05/2022
Nutrition and lifestyle in young women with early-stage
breast cancer
Experts: Daniela Lucini
08. E-session 616002 - 11/05/2022
Food for body and soul for young women with earlystage
Experts: Sauro Ricci